Manufacture of goods under own brand
Entrepreneurs often strive to produce products under their own brand - after all, this makes the product unique and the brand recognizable.
Goods under the own brand of the company that sells them inspire confidence among consumers, because it is the seller company that is responsible for the quality of production. The rating of the company depends on this.

The organization of the production of goods under its own brand, in any country, is an expensive, labor-intensive and difficult to implement process. It is cheaper and much more efficient to set up production under your brand at one of the factories in China.
After all, no one has surpassed China in this direction yet.
Even with small orders, manufacturers in China meet the needs of the customer and put your brand on the product.
To organize the production of products under your brand, Unreal China specialists will select a suitable and reliable factory or plant. They will negotiate on your terms of reference. Prepare a preliminary calculation of the cost of a batch of products and the cost of their delivery from China to anywhere in the world. They will order the production of a sample and deliver it to our warehouse using the “review of samples from the manufacturer” service to check the quality and approve the launch of the main batch into production.
After the end of production, we can inspect the goods, check their quality and specified technical properties.
At the end of the whole range of services, UnreaL China organizes customs clearance and delivery of your cargo to the destination city in the most optimal and inexpensive way.
We will answer any of your questions