Inspection in China
We have 1 personal warehouse in Shenzhen and 11 partner warehouses in China, we can pick up goods all around China at the best price. We shipping the goods to countries where there are Amazon warehouses, such as the USA, Canada, Europe, England, Australia, and a large number of other countries.

Why is product inspection needed?
Quality and suitability control
Product compliance with customer requirements and international standards
Preventing possible problems and risks associated with the product or delivery
Product safety guarantee
What does a product inspection include?
Testing for compliance with quality and safety standards
Functionality check
Packaging and labeling
Shipping stages:

0.1 The inspector selectively takes out the quantity of goods agreed with the client from the shipping boxes.

0.4 The footage is provided to the client online.

07. During the check marks the details, sends additional notes to the customer.

0.2 A reference instance is selected from this quantity.

0.5 The inspector tests the product for performance.

08. At the end of the inspection, all goods are packed back and sealed with branded tape with the name of our company. It is checked whether the Amazon FBA labels are correctly pasted on both sides of the box.

0.3 The inspector makes an overview of the product, takes detailed photographs, shoots a video.

0.6 Checks the quantity of goods.

09. The inspector takes pictures of the boxes, takes measurements and sends them to the client.

Thus, by the end of the audit of the goods, the client has a clear idea of the condition of the goods.
After the audit of the goods, a written report is sent to the client within 1-2 working days.
If during the audit of the goods there are problems with the quality of the goods, the inspector will help the client to conduct additional negotiations with the supplier.
All of our inspectors are fluent in Chinese, which facilitates the negotiation process.
We will answer any of your questions